June 2023
New Build at St Peter’s Nursery
St Peter’s Nursery School has over 300 students in the school; squeezed into very small classrooms.
When we visited we counted 88 pre-school and Nursery 1 children being taught by one teacher.
Thanks to the fundraising efforts of The Earls High School in Halesowen who visited The Gambia in April 2023 we have been able to build another classroom which will be used by the preschool children. Work is well underway and will be completed by the time the children return to school in September.
This classroom will be decorated by students from The Earls who will be visiting The Gambia in January 2024.
New Classrooms at Omega School
Thanks to money that The Royal School Wolverhampton raised before visiting The Gambia in January 2023 we have been able to finish building classrooms at Omega School. This means that the school can now educate children from Nursery 1 to Grade 6. Children will then move onto an Upper Basic School.